Electric scooters are beginning to be all the rage these days. As a result, many people are shifting to this eco-friendly commuting option that ensures everyday rides are smoother without hurting the environment.

If you buy an electric scooter, you might consider which electric scooter brakes you should choose.

The braking system is the most crucial feature of an electric scooter. These scooters feature 2-3 brakes positioned in the rear and front of the scooter. The brakes on an e-scooter are similar to the system you see on cars and bikes.

But the performance ratio of a braking system in electric scooters is far more different than you may expect. So, in this article, we are breaking down different brakes featured in electric scooters with all their pros and cons.

Single Vs. Dual Braking System

Before we enlist all different types of braking systems in electric scooters, you should know that some e-scooters only have brakes on one of their wheels. This could be installed on either the front wheels or the rear wheel.

A scooter with brakes only on one wheel isn’t as efficient in stopping compared to scooters with a dual braking system. This will make it challenging to halt the vehicle, especially if it’s raining and you’re trailing down a muddy road.

If you choose a scooter with only one brake, it would be better if it’s positioned on the front wheel. This is because the front braking systems are far more efficient than the rear braking system.

As a result, you have way more control over your speed and can bring the electric scooter to stop abruptly without causing an accident.

So keep this in mind when you’re buying an electric scooter.

Different Types of Brakes for E-Scooters

There are two types of braking systems available for e-scooters, i.e. mechanical and electronic.

Mechanical brakes include:

  • Disc brakes
  • Drum brakes
  • Hydraulic brakes

Electric brakes include:

  • Foot brakes
  • Regenerative brakes

We are explaining all these braking systems in brief detail below.

Disc Brakes

Disc brakes are the more performance-oriented braking system, and manufacturers are installing them on most vehicles today.

A disc brake includes a metal rotor that is attached to the wheel of an e-scooter. When you want to slow down, you pull the hand brakes activating the calliper that pinches the rotor, causing friction. As a result, your scooter comes to a stop.

Pros Cons
The most effective braking system with utmost control Requires regular maintenance and adjustment
Lightweight and easy to handle Pretty expensive
Easy to maintain and adjust Aren’t well-suited for rougher terrains
Works well in dry and wet conditions

Drum Brakes

Drum brake functionality is pretty similar to that of disc brakes. They are installed on the wheel in a wholly enclosed box, and a piston on the handlebar. Pulling the piston pushes the brake pads outwards on the wheels, which causes friction and brings the scooter to a stop.

Pros Cons
Works great in wet conditions Heavy
Low maintenance Breaking performance isn’t efficient
Enclosed in a hub Is prone to overheating

Hydraulic Brakes

Hydraulic brakes might be the most complex braking system of all. It features hoses, lines and reservoirs, all of which are filled with hydraulic acid. It also features a rotor attached to the wheels, like disc brakes.

Once you push, the brake lever puts pressure on the hydraulic lines that pinch the rotor, pushing the brakes and slowing down the vehicle. The liquid that pushes the rotor onto the braking pads returns to the reservoir when you release the brakes.

Pros Cons
Efficient braking system Not recommended for wet conditions
Great for tougher terrains Expensive maintenance

Foot Brakes

Foot brakes don’t come in any of the categories mentioned above. Instead, they are a different brake with a simple fender attached to the wheel. When you push it down, it slows your e-scooter down and brings it to a stop.

Pros Cons
It doesn’t need maintenance Additional braking system and cannot perform on its own
Lightweight Not recommended for wet road conditions

Regenerative Brakes

Regenerative brakes are electric braking systems that feature a push button. When you press the button on your electric scooter, this braking system cuts power from the batteries and stops your vehicle at once.

Pros Cons
No maintenance required Not very effective
Redistributes energy Prone to failure

Final Verdict

So, this is the complete technical guide for electric scooter brakes. You must have realised that the mechanical braking system is the most efficient. It works great in all road conditions and doesn’t require hefty maintenance.

The poorest brakes are the regenerative braking system that requires regular maintenance and doesn’t even work in most road conditions. So when buying an electric scooter, pay close attention to which brakes are installed on your scooter.

We hope this article helped; thank you for reading.