If you travel to work or want a pleasant way to get about, you would want to have a sustainable transportation mode. Of course, cars have been the number one vehicle for so many years. But in this age where e-scooters have slowly made their way through the market, one can’t help but wonder: which is better when it comes to e scooter vs car? We’ll go over all of the details, as well as some suggestions you may not have considered.

The Costs of E Scooters vs Cars

e scooter vs car

The first thing that we often consider as we purchase a vehicle is the cost. Hence, we’ve looked at the expense of electric scooters previously and discovered that you could acquire a good one for between £257.47 and £367.82. It’s not a high-end scooter, but it’s in the middle of the pack.

Meanwhile, a car’s average price is presently projected to be £25, 956.88. This is far higher than the cost of an electric scooter. However, if you use your vehicle for commuting, you may wonder whether it’s worth it.

If you have children to run about with, go on frequent excursions away, or even take family vacations, an e scooter may have a few drawbacks for you. If this characterizes your life, a vehicle could be better for the more significant expenditure. You may, however, utilize an e-scooter as a sustainable mode of transportation for your daily commute.

Fuel Prices

In comparison to electric scooters, cars use a lot more gasoline. Four thousand one hundred pounds is the average automobile weight. So, you’ll have to expend sufficient power to move a 4100-pound item. Given that your automobile weighs around 20 times that of you, we can reasonably infer that most of the energy used by a car is used to drive it.

The typical e-scooter, on the other hand, weighs 28 pounds, or almost five times less than the average. As a result, when you ride an electric scooter, the bulk of the energy is utilized to move you rather than power your transportation mode.

Let’s imagine we use one kilowatt-hour of electricity to run your car and e-scooter. We’re not driving an electric automobile here; instead, we’ve converted fuel into one kilowatt-hour of electricity. With that amount of energy, your electric scooter will go 82.8 miles.

On the other hand, a car would only make it 0.8 miles. Based on these figures, an e-scooter is nearly 100 times more fuel-efficient than a vehicle. That’s a significant expense reduction for your home budget.

Production Costs for E Scooters vs Cars

Production has a carbon impact. The typical family car emits roughly 7 tons of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere then be discharged into the air. An electric car emits approximately 8 tonnes of CO2; however, this is offset by its reduced operating carbon footprint throughout its life.

There are no numbers for e-scooters, although sources estimate that one e-scooter represents less than 1% of the total. You may not be able to see the carbon cost, yet if we could help everyone breathe better air, we should do so.

What Kind of Upkeep Is Required?

The new E scooter will need very little maintenance. Generally, you’ll want to wash your e-scooter frequently, particularly if it’s been raining. Keeping your e scooter clear of dirt and grime is a fantastic way to keep it running smoothly.

Additionally, you should ensure that your tires are clear of debris. Then, spin your wheels to ensure that your bearings are still in good working order. If not, it’s a simple matter of cleaning and putting some grease in. This will only cost you a few pennies.

We’ll presume that you take your car to a garage for service if you’re like the majority of folks. Even if you can service it yourself, there’ll be a cost in components and your time, which we estimate to be worth the same as a mechanic’s time for this article. According to the AAA, the cost is roughly £882.76. A month’s worth of car maintenance is already more than a year’s worth of electric scooter upkeep.

Is Insurance Required?

You won’t need insurance for your E scooter, but you should cover your car. The average cost of yearly insurance is £963.31. That’s a substantial sum of money. If you need an e-scooter and don’t require a car, you’ll save a lot of money here.

Is It Necessary to Own Both a Car and an E Scooter?

Having both may be a viable solution to the final mile issue if you reside in the suburbs or farther afield. An e scooter can be folded and stored in a small area. Most automobiles’ trunks, or even the passenger seat, will be able to accommodate it.

You can then cross the distance to a city, park, and utilize your e scooter before hitting traffic. As previously said, you will reduce traffic by one car. You may also be able to complete the last mile faster than you could if you were driving.

Most workplaces must offer a secure location for you to keep your e scooter. On your journey back to your car and home, you’ll be able to avoid most of the traffic. That has to be preferable to leaving work and sitting in your car breathing a bunch of pollution particles.

E Scooter Pros and Cons

e scooter vs car


  • Purchases are inexpensive.
  • Running costs are low.
  • There is no weather protection.
  • There is hardly any pollution.
  • It assists in resolving the last-mile issue.
  • It’s faster than in a traffic jam in a car.
  • Nearly maintenance-free.


  • You are unable to take the children out.
  • There is no weather protection.
  • On a single charge, the mileage range is limited.
  • In traffic-free areas, it is slower than a car.


Car Pros and Cons


  • Can travel across long distances.
  • Can take the family out on a date.
  • Protection against the elements.


  • Expensive.
  • Insurance is required.
  • A major polluter.
  • Will need professional maintenance.

When it comes to e scooter vs car, an e scooter is unquestionably prefereable. Despite this, learning to ride an e scooter after years of driving a car might be challenging. Nevertheless, the gain outweighs the expenditure. And due to the desire to reduce one’s environmental footprint, more people are seeking alternative modes of transportation that are convenient, inexpensive, and environmentally.